In addition, Jehan Atapaththu was also awarded the Good Sportsmanship Award. This will give him the opportunity to undergo one week of football training at the prestigious Aspire Academy in Doha, Qatar. He beat out 48 other candidates to win the chance to attend.
Jehan won this opportunity by embodying the principles of good sportsmanship both on and off the field during his time at AJFC Asia. The selection committee believed he showed compassion, respect, love, enlightenment, balance, and joy during his time at the camp and that these qualities complemented his already exceptional skills on the field.
“The Allianz Junior Football Camp Asia gives participants from 8 different countries the chance to train like professionals in a once in a lifetime opportunity. They gain invaluable experience both on and off the field that they will carry with them through the rest of their lives. Allianz is proud to be a part of this adventure and help shape their future. And we congratulate Jehan on winning the Good Sportsmanship Award and continuing to pursue his dream at the Aspire Academy,” said Surekha Alles, Chief Executive Officer - Allianz Lanka.
The Aspire Academy is an internationally renowned institution for sports excellence catering comprehensive programs for sports education and revolutionary sporting facilities of international calibre.